Thursday, January 6, 2011

Questions answered by Chandler

One of the things I ran across in Chandler's room today was his School Memories Scrapbook for Kindergarten through 5th grade.  It's a book that has questions in it that the child can fill out himself.  I've been reading through it today and he has made me laugh and cry at some of his answers.  It amazes me that some of the answers he gave at such a young age, he would have given today.  He knew who he was and what he liked. 

His answer from his Kindergarten Milestone said:  "I lost my 1st tooth at the beginning of the year.  I learned to read".

Also from kindergarten: 
My favorite T.V. show:  "Arthur"
My favorite book:  "The Giving Tree"

On one of his 1st grade pages, it's titled An Interview - With Me!  Here are just a few of the answers to some of the questions.  The following are some of the things he filled out for 1st grade: 

Things I do best:  "making people laugh" 

When I grow up, I want to be a:  "photographer"

My favorite meal:  "broccoli and cheese"

From the 2nd grade pages:

I love to eat:  "broccoli and cheese"
I collect "drawings".  So far, I have this many:  "30 - 40"

On his 3rd grade page under the heading Milestones, he wrote "big brother".  That's the year Corben was born.  He was already a big brother to Caleb and apparently he was very happy to have another younger sibling that he could love and take care of. 

Also, on the third grade page, he filled in some more blanks:

My favorite movies: "Spiderman 1 & 2", "The Passion of the Christ", "Elf"
The best thing about school is:  "art class"
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to:  "Orlando and Puerto Rico because they have beaches and I can go boogy boarding."

Some 4th grade answers:

When I'm not in school I enjoy. . ."playing, making people laugh, and playing video games"
My favorite book:  "Bible"

From the 5th grade page, he made me laugh at one of his answers.  Under Milestones he wrote:  "I started having BO (body odor)".  I laughed through my tears when I read that.  I find it very funny that he remembered that his 5th grade year was the year he started having BO.  I'm sure that is a milestone for a young boy.  That means, you have to start wearing deodorant which means you're growing up. 

Other 5th grade answers:

Favorite music:  "Newsboys, Mercy Me, Steven Curtis Chapman, Christmas music"
Favorite actors:  "Jim Carey" 

I loved reading his answers.  I've written in earlier blogs about how fun Chandler was, how he loved to laugh.  He loved funny movies.  You see that in his answers.  Two different times he talked about how he liked to make people laugh.  He also mentioned "Jim Carey" as his favorite actor. 

I've mentioned before how he loved photography.  He proved that as well.  He wrote that on his 1st grade page.  I've also mentioned in previous blogs about the music he liked.  From the 5th grade, he has liked the Newsboys.  We played Newsboys songs at his funeral.  Every time I hear a Newsboys song I get emotional.  When I hear their music, I think of Chandler.  I can see him listening to their music and enjoying it. 

I know I already have these answers in his book.  The reason I wanted to share them here is so that everyone else could read the answers that came straight from Chandler.  I know it meant a lot to me to read them today.  Also, I want Caleb, Corben and Carlie to be able to look back on this and see his answers as well and remember Chandler and who he was. 

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