Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chandler's laugh

This weekend, Corben and Carlie ran across a voice recorder that belongs to their dad.  All of the kids used to play with it a lot.  They would record things and listen to it.  They put new batteries in it this weekend and started playing around with it.  When I saw that they had it, I asked them if they had heard any old stuff on it.  I knew it was possible that there was stuff on it from Chandler.  They said there was nothing else on it.  So, they played with it all day yesterday and never heard anything on it except what they had been recording and playing back.  This morning, we were getting ready for our co-op group when they were listening to something on it.  One of them brought it to me and asked "who is this?"  It was Chandler!  He was talking and then I heard his laugh!  The laugh got to me!  I miss his laughter so much! It was so sweet to hear yet it was heartbreaking.  If I heard his laughter among a million others, I would be able to pick it out.  So, when I heard that laugh this morning, I just cried.  I was so happy to be able to hear it.  Then, tonight, Carlie was listening to stuff on the recorder again.  I walked by her and heard something and it sounded familiar.  I took it from her and put it up to my ear.  It was Chandler's voice.  Apparently he had written a story one time and he read the entire story on the recorder.  The story is funny and it's definitely an original writing by Chandler.  It's pretty long so I just sat for a while listening to his voice and his laughter.  It was wonderful.  What a treasure to have!


I am so thankful for your humor.  I'm so glad that you loved to laugh so much.  Your laughter puts a smile on my face.  Your laughter is contagious.  I'm glad you liked to write funny stories.  I'm so glad that you sat in your room one day and read aloud one of your stories while playing around on the voice recorder.  I don't know why you did it and I don't know why it never got deleted all of those other times y'all played on that recorder.  I do know that I am so thankful to have it now.  I'm thankful that today I was able to hear your voice and your amazing laughter!  Of course, I wish so badly that you were here with us and I could hear you in person.  But, I'm truly thankful for this gift today.  I will cherish it forever.  We all miss you so much!  Our hearts still hurt and I know they always will.  You are a part of us and we feel so broken without you.  You were and always will be a wonderful son and the best big brother!

I love you so much,
Always your Mom

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