Saturday, November 25, 2017

God Showed Up

Carlie and I went to the grave today to remove Chandler's birthday balloon and add some Christmas ornaments to his flowers.  When we arrived, I noticed something that was attached to his flowers.  I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet when I saw it.  We walked over and noticed that there was a note folded up and placed inside a baggie.  It was hanging from the arrangement.  We took it out and briefly looked at it but we didn't read it.  I sat down and started working on the flowers and making the changes.  After I finished, I told Carlie I was going to read the note out loud for us and for Chandler.  It was a 2 page letter addressed to Chandler.  Through tears and quivering lips, I read the letter.  It was written by a dear friend of ours and it touched my heart. 

Let me pause here and say that the temperature outside today was pretty comfortable.  It was cool but not cold.  It was cloudy though.  The sun wasn't out. 

Okay, so back to our day.  At the end of the letter - and I mean, it was the end.  I read the last words of that letter and all of a sudden I felt heat on me.  All of a sudden, Carlie said "the sun just came out".  She wasn't saying it as if to just say that the sun is out and that's nice.  She was referring to the fact that we sat there at the grave with clouds above us and as I finished that letter, God cleared a spot and the sun was shining right on us.  I was amazed that she caught on to that so quickly.  We sat there looking at each other in awe and just smiling.  She even took a picture of me at that time and I didn't even realize it until I got home and looked through the pictures.  God showed up today.  It was a special time that Carlie and I experienced together and I will never forget it. 

I am so thankful that 7 years after Chandler's passing, God is still comforting us.  He shows up and surprises us like he did today and he helps us to continue on.  God is good.

Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Psalms 150:2

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